1 in 4 people with periods have missed school or work because they can’t afford the menstrual products they need. And it’s happening right here, in Philadelphia.
No More Secrets, MBS, is a 501(c)(3) organization that's working to put an end to period poverty in Philadelphia. With just $7, you can cover the cost of period supplies for 1 cycle. Because a period shouldn't make anyone feel powerless.

What Is Period Poverty?
Period poverty is when someone is not able to access or afford period products, like pads and tampons. When people don't have access to running water or toilets, the effects of period poverty can get worse.
Living in period poverty may mean:
Missing school, work, or
job interviews
Having to choose between buying groceries or paying bills and buying period products
Suffering from high levels of anxiety and depression
Using unhealthy alternatives
to period products
Running away from
Health problems such as UTIs and bacterial vaginosis from using alternative products

No one should have to use this as a pad . . .
Period .
Without period products, people use other items, such as rags, newspapers, socks, and even plastic bags. Using these items can lead to health problems, including UTIs and bacterial vaginosis (an overgrowth of bacteria). Your donation can help make sure this doesn't happen.

Power a Period
100% of your donations goes to ending period poverty. Your contribution will directly fund pads, tampons, and hygiene products for people in Philadelphia.
1 month of period products
3 months of period products
1 reusable menstrual cup
The Donate button will redirect you to the No More Secrets, MBS, PayPal account, set up under Lynette Medley's email.

Help power a period every month by checking the box that says "Make this a monthly donation."

Lynette Medley founded No More Secrets, Mind Body Spirit Inc. alongside her daughter, Nya McGlone, in 2012 with the goal of ending period poverty in Philadelphia. Before the start of COVID-19, the organization delivered 3-month supplies of menstrual products to around 80 people each week. Now they are at nearly 300.
In addition to deliveries, the mother-daughter duo have opened the world's first menstrual hub, the SPOT Period, providing menstrual health education and resources to the community.

No More Secrets, MBS, has also been recognized as Best of Philly's 2021 Wellness Organization.

It's not just happening in other countries; it's happening in our own backyards.
Lynette Medley
Founder, No More Secrets, MBS